Thursday, July 12, 2012


You know, I actually respect the Oscars to a degree. I don't watch but I understand why they do it. To honor the people that make movies and to determine who in the business did the best that year in certain categories. Without tacky award shows, we wouldn't be able to determine who did the best (even though films are an art form and impossible to rank based on that fact... unless you want to go by box office gross then "Avatar" film takes all).

What I love about sports is that we are able to determine the best already with regular seasons, playoffs, team statistics, player statistics, tournaments, competitions, tryouts, meets, trials, play dates, etc. Every major sport already has a way to determine who is the best: team sports have seasons and postseasons, Tennis has tournaments and points awarded for rankings, and every other individual sport has the Olympics (GOLD OR NOTHING).

So with all of this being said, WHY DOES SPORTS NEED A TACKY AWARDS SHOW OF ANY KIND?!?!?! It makes no sense to me. Half of the awards in team sports seem to just be MVP awards which are already handed out by other organizations. Others are just opinionated like "Best Comeback" or "Moment." No need for it whatsoever.

I can maybe get behind an award show dedicated to kids' sports or amateur sports but this just seems like a waste of time. I'll stick with national titles, rings, and tournament victories to tell me who did the best that year, thank you very much.

P.S. The 49ers win over the Saints won "Game of the Year?" Well that is just awe... NO, FIGHT IT, KHAN!!!

P.P.S. "Gone with the Wind" is still the top grossing film of all time when you adjust for inflation. Also, for an historical perspective, why don't we just count the number of tickets sold instead of the money earned? Money runs the world, that's why.

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