Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Luckiest A**hole in the World

After a "thorough" investigation, the DA in charge of the Ben Roethlisberger case has said that they won't press charges as they can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed the crime. Big Ben made a statement today but I can't report on that as every time I watch it I feel like vomiting instead. Damn the DA and the Georgia police. You have a chance to put some famous guy behind bars and you can't do it? Big Ben must have some good guardian angels... or most likely little demons.

As for whether or not Roger Goodell will suspend him, he won't. He hasn't been convicted of anything or arrested. Goodell has no grounds for suspending him. He will just have a talk with Big Ben, shaming him and telling him not to do it again. Like a parent does with their child.

P.S. As I have said before, Goodell shouldn't be allowed to suspend anyone for something that has nothing to do with the league. I'm disgusted with Big Ben now but he shouldn't be suspended for it. He should be arrested for it.

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