Sunday, September 5, 2010

2010 AFC South Preview: Colts Will Win the Race

Last year had the Colts take this division virtually unopposed. The Titans, meanwhile, were the opposite of the Broncos starting: bad but finishing well. Still not good enough for the playoffs. But enough about last year, what about 2010? The Colts will always be strong with Peyton Manning leading the way. He seems to hit every receiver he has at some time or another. Then of course the Titans might regroup this year with Vince Young playing the whole season. Chris Johnson might be the most important player on that roster as the speedster seeks more yardage. Whenever the Texans are brought up, the same question gets asked: will they finally make the playoffs? They do have Matt Schaub who threw very well last year and that always threatening Andre Johnson. As for the Jaguars, forget the playoffs. They just want to be able to stay in Jacksonville. The Economy and their recent efforts have them on the edge of leaving the city.

So who will rise up and take the AFC South? The Colts obviously. While the Titans and the Texans might be in the Wild Card Picture, the Colts are still the best team in the division. They won every game they tried to win last year (except the Superbowl) and neither the Titans nor the Texans made enough improvements to challenge them. I think the Texans could actually grab the number two spot but will fall of short of the playoffs again. The Titans will fall to third as Chris Johnson leads the way in the Fantasy world. As for the Jaguars, do I see a moving van?

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